Papelitos, the ICAA blog, is an online forum for staff, student interns, fellows, and project associates to share ideas and insights into the activities and research-in-progress at the Center. We also invite proposals from artists, scholars, and researchers that engage with the role of archives and documentation in the field. If interested in contributing, please write to the ICAA’s Research Specialist, Liz Donato at
Papelitos Blog
Dále Gas Turns 45
“A new era in Chicano art is beginning! ¡DÁLE GAS!” With this call to action, the artist and curator Santos Martinez Jr. heralded a historic moment. On August 20, 1977, the first major museum exhibition of Chicano art in Texas opened to the public at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH). Dále Gas: An Exhibition of […]
New in the Archive: Mercedes Pardo’s Milestones
“Color is an instrument of a vast, infinite, inexhaustible range and that has been what I have expressed, what I have wanted to say in art.” – Mercedes Pardo, 1979 Mercedes Pardo (1921–2005) was a Venezuelan artist, teacher, and pioneer of abstract painting in her home country. As the writer María Ramírez Ribes describes in […]
When the Archive Goes Paperless Part I: The History of the First Phase of the Documents Project
Luz Muñoz, Chief Cataloguer for the ICAA, was among the first in her home country to think about how to systematize access to Chilean contemporary art documents. When local records are few and fragmentary, Muñoz recognized that a “digital copy can preserve and safeguard our heritage.” […]
When the Archive Goes Paperless Part II: The Project’s Methodologies and Work Processes
With today’s technology we can access digital databases to find documents that can “travel” anywhere in the world, wherever a researcher or student might be looking for them; it is essential, therefore that this be an open access project. […]
New in the Archive: Final Set of Critical Documents of Chilean Art
Since the founding of the ICAA in 2001, Chilean institutions and researchers have played a significant role in the formation of Documents of Latin American and Latino Art. Today, we cap off a three-year project to complete the first teams-based phase of the Documents Project and expand the representation of Chile in the ICAA’s digital […]
Object-based Learning Seminar Spotlight: Corina Rogge
This fall the ICAA resumes its Object-based Learning seminar with the University of Houston. Over the course of the next few weeks we will introduce some of the course’s faculty as well as insights and commentary from the students enrolled in the class. First up is Dr. Corina Rogge, Andrew W. Mellon Conservation Scientist at […]
ICAA-Hirsch Library Facsimile Project: Latin American Rare Books, Periodicals, and Ephemera in the Nancy and Rich Kinder Building
In summer 2020, Hirsch Library staff put their talents and efforts into showcasing printed matter in the Latin American art permanent collection galleries in the new Kinder Building, which is graced with large windows that let in lots of natural light. Extensive light exposure can cause damage to paper […]
In memoriam: Lotty Rosenfeld (1943-2020): A Reflection by Mariairis Flores, Fundación AMA Researcher
The Critical Documents of Chilean Art collection is made possible by the generous support of Juan Yarur Torres, President, Fundación AMA On July 24, 2020, at the height of the Chilean quarantine and the global pandemic, Lotty Rosenfeld passed away. She was 77 years old. The news spread fast and, as always, prompted a desire […]
ICAA Intern Spotlight: Reflections on Digital Research during COVID (August 2020)
As many schools and universities continue some form of remote learning and virtual instruction in 2021, the ICAA would like to provide a forum for faculty, researchers, and students to reflect on the role of digital resources in their research, lesson planning, or exploratory learning. In this post, we feature two accounts from recent graduates […]
Critical Documents of Chilean Art: ICAA + Fundación AMA
The idea for the Foundation occurred to me because, when talking with people in the international art world I noticed that, outside of Chile and with few exceptions, there was very little awareness of Chilean art and artists. At that point I understood that there was a need to promote Chilean art abroad […]
2019 Peter C. Marzio Award Winners Announced! |
The ICAA is pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 edition of the Peter C. Marzio Award for Outstanding Research in 20th-Century Latin American and Latino Art. Named for the late, longtime director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH), who supported the establishment of the International Center […]