This is an article by José Sabogal on the development of art in Peru, in which he emphasizes the confluence of western and indigenous elements that followed the conquest, and which gave rise to a modern Peruvian art. Sabogal and his group of followers pursued one topic with special interest, the study and re-evaluation of folk arts. They traveled through the country, meeting with native and mestizo artisans, whose names and works began to circulate in Lima, incorporating them into the official Peruvian arts. Sabogal likewise defined folk art as the paradigm of the “real Peruvian art,” because it was a mestizo art, the blending of indigenous and Spanish creativity. In his last period, Sabogal dedicated particular attention to the concept of “mestizaje” [miscegenation] as the element that defined the nation’s art, as in his judgment it was present not only in folk arts but also in vice-regal architecture and in the work of nineteenth century painter Pancho Fierro. On this topic he published texts such as “La cúpula en América” (1939), “Arquitectura peruana. La casona arequipeña” (1940), “Los mates burilados y las estampas del pintor criollo Pancho Fierro” (1943), “Pintura mural y Arequipa arquitectónica” (1944), and “Mariano Florez, artista burilador de ‘mates’ peruanos, murió en Huancayo. José Sabogal su admirador y amigo, le rinde homenaje” (1932) [texts reproduced for this project]. As director of the Instituto de Arte Peruano at the Museo de la Cultura Peruana (which he took up again in 1946), Sabogal proposed as fundamental aspects of the work the creation of a registry of vice-regal architecture and the collection and study of folk art objects for incorporation into the Museo de Artesanía y Artes Populares [see: Sabogal, José. Instituto de Arte Peruano. Informe sobre sus activiades, ca. 1950. Archivo IAP, MNCP]. [There are a great number of texts on this artist in the ICAA digital archive including the following by Sabogal himself: “Arquitectura peruana: la casona arequipeña (doc. no. 1173340); “La cúpula en América” (doc. no. 1125912); “Mariano Florez, artista burilador de ‘mates’ peruanos, murió en Huancayo: José Sabogal su admirador y amigo, le rinde homenaje” (doc. no. 1136695); “Los ‘mates’ y el yaraví” (doc. no. 1126008); “La pintura mexicana moderna” (doc. no. 1051636); and “Sala de arte popular peruano en el Museo de la Cultura: selecciones de arte” (doc. no. 1173418)].