The painter and art critic Jorge [Eduardo] Guinle Filho (1947–87) was one of the main members of the “Geração 80”—a generation of Brazilian artists whose core movement was “the return to painting,” inspired by both the Italian transavantgarde and German Neoexpressionism. He made a name for himself with his painting and his intellectual contribution as an art critic.
Guinle’s seminal article is essential reading for understanding the Brazilian approach to the “return to painting” movement that flourished—no doubt for commercial reasons—in the 1980s. The exhibition he discusses, Como vai você, Geração 80?, which was jointly curated by Marcus de Lontra Costa, Paulo Roberto Leal, and Sandra Mager, and took place at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (Rio de Janeiro, 1984), brought together a total of 123 artists. In time, this exhibition came to be viewed as a landmark event for the Geração 80, providing a broad overview of what that late-blooming retour à l’ordre represented.
[As complementary reading on this subject, see the following articles in the ICAA digital archive: by Wilson Coutinho “Festa e democracia no Parque Lage” (doc. no. 1110956); by Frederico Morais “Gute Nacht Herr Baselitz, ou Hélio Oiticica, onde está você?” (doc. no. 1110957); by Roberto Pontual “Explode Geração!” (doc. no. 1110991); by Marcus de Lontra Costa “A festa acabou? A festa continua?” (doc. no. 1110934); by Milton Machado “Dance a noite inteira, mas dance direito” (doc. no. 1110945); and by Ricardo Basbaum “Pintura dos anos 80: algumas observações críticas” (doc. no. 1110972).
See also the following articles by Guinle: “O conceito de imagem na nova pintura do século XX” (doc. no. 1110968); “Expressionismo vs. Neo-expressionismo” (doc. no. 1110955); “A pintura contra a parede” (doc. no. 1110935); and “Papai era surfista profissional, mamãe fazia mapa astral legal: ‘Geração 80’ ou como matei uma aula de arte num shopping center” (doc. no. 1110971). See also his articles about other artists of his generation: “Leonilson: a implosão da imagem” (doc. no. 1110504) and “Victor Arruda: sem modos, ou quando o pior é melhor” (doc. no. 1110979)].