This is the first article, with images, to appear in the Brazilian press about the Candomblé cult and its secret rituals. O Cruzeiro, the largest mass-circulation magazine in the history of the Brazilian press, published the article in serial form over the course of several issues. Despite the sensationalist tone of the article, it provoked a backlash and caused indignation and bad feelings in Brazil’s religious press. It was not well received in the Afro-Brazilian community either, because it showed rituals that were considered private, which since they were presented out of context, led readers to incorrect assumptions and exacerbated prejudice about such things. In those days Afro-Brazilian cults were at the mercy of police repression, and the article in the press—perhaps involuntarily—contributed to the marginalization involved. It is hard to believe that the entire article was written by Medeiros. The photographs illustrate and clarify some of the symbolic meaning of the rituals.
José Medeiros made a name for himself as a photojournalist and worked for several Brazilian publications. He also earned credit for his photography included in several Brazilian short and full-length films.
[As complementary reading, see the following articles in the ICAA digital archive: by Raul Lody “Coleção Arthur Ramos” (doc. no. 1110525); “Coleção culto afro-brasileiro: um documento do candomblé na cidade do Salvador” (doc. no. 1110527); “Coleção culto afro-brasileiro: um testemunho do Xangô pernambucano” (doc. no. 1110526); “Dezoito esculturas antropomorfas de orixás” (doc. no. 1110529); “Símbolo do mando” (doc. no. 1110531); and “Yorubá: um estudo etno-tecnológico de 50 peças da coleção arte africana do Museu Nacional de Belas-Artes” (doc. no. 1110532). In addition, see by Abelardo Duarte “Catálogo ilustrado da Coleção Perseverança” (doc. no. 1110522); by Carlos Eugênio Marcondes de Moura “Religiosidade africana no Brasil; Arte afro-brasilidade” (doc. no. 1110519); by Maria Lúcia Montes “Cosmologias e altares” (doc. no. 1110528); by Luiz Felipe de Alencastro “Geopolítica da mestiçagem” (doc. no. 1111371); by the Museu Histórico Nacional “Para nunca esquecer. Negras memórias. Memórias de negros” (doc. no. 1110530); by Jocélio Teles dos Santos “Catálogo do Museu Afro Brasileiro = Catalogue of the Afro-Brazilian Museum” (doc. no. 1110521); by Vagner Gonçalves da Silva “Arte religiosa afro-brasileira. As múltiplas estéticas da devoção brasileira” (doc. no. 1110520); by Oneyda Alvarenga “Catálogo ilustrado do Museu Folclórico” (doc. no. 1110523); and by Rita Amaral “A coleção etnográfica de cultura religiosa afro-brasileira do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo” (doc. no. 1110533)].