What [Christiaan] Karel Appel (1921–2006) said about indigenous Andean altar pieces being “Dada folklore” assumed particular significance because he made his remarks during the fierce debate over the supposed boundaries between “fine art” and “popular art” that began just a few weeks earlier when the Premio Nacional de Cultura was awarded to the artisan Joaquín López Antay, an apparent snub to so-called “learned” visual artists. Appel’s support for the decision came as a fresh perspective in the midst of a strong clash of opinions.
[Regarding the Premio Nacional de Cultura, see the following articles in the ICAA digital archive: by Alfonso Castrillón, Leslie Lee, and Carlos Bernasconi “Fundamentación para el dictamen por mayoría simple a favor del artista popular Joaquín López Antay” (doc. no. 1135896); by Alfonso Bermúdez “Premio a López Antay suscita controversias. Unos: consagración del arte popular. Otros: una cosa es arte y otra artesanía” (doc. no. 1135879); by Francisco Abril de Vivero, Luis Cossío Marino, and Alberto Dávila “Artistas plásticos cuestionan premio” (doc. no. 1135960); and (unattributed) “‘No todos nos quieren ni en Lima ni en Ayacucho’: así comentó sobre cuestionamiento a premio” (doc. no. 1135930)].
The following night (February 19, 1976), Appel gave a talk entitled “Arte y Asentamientos Humanos” at the Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC), in the presence of Peruvian critics and artists who were involved in awarding the prize to López Antay, such as José Bracamonte Vera (1928–83), Alfonso Castrillón (b. 1935), Gastón Garreaud (1934–2005), and Leslie Lee (1932–2014).
[Regarding this talk, see the following articles in the archive: (unattributed) “Pobladores de Villa El Salvador pintarán murales en la calle dirigidos por el artista Appel” (doc. no. 865645); (unattributed) “Muralista holandés pintó para los niños de Villa El Salvador” (doc. no. 865517); (unattributed) “Cosas de la Villa” (doc. no. 865627); by Luis Freire Sarria “La Cobra en Villa El Salvador (I)” (doc. no. 865607); (unattributed) “El pueblo muralista” (doc. no. 865664); and by Fietta Jarque “¿Mural que muere?: en Villa El Salvador” (doc. no. 865683)].