The critic here discusses the role of the Salón de la Plástica Mexicana (SPM) [Mexican Visual Arts Salon] which, according to him, no longer performs the function for which it was originally created. His remarks are based on his observations of the last annual painting salon held there: "It neither adds to, nor detracts from, the artists exhibited there and, in fact, to judge from their works, it does little to stimulate their artistic creativity." He believes that the problem arises from the restrictions imposed on exhibitions, as well as from the practice of bestowing the acquisition prize before the show has even opened. In his view what is lacking is the "natural selection of the public and [the] opinions of the critics that can influence and aid the jury in making a choice that is more to everyone’s taste in each particular case." He regrets the recent accessions, a painting by Juan Soriano and another by Elena Tolmacs, as "works that rely entirely on color."
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