The magazine Revista de Antropofagia was published from May 1928 to February 1929 (they referred to their first edition as “teething”). The second edition appeared from March to August the following year in the Diário de São Paulo (the second teething). In all, there were about fifteen monthly issues of the magazine, all published in São Paulo. Antônio de Alcântara Machado was the director, and Raul Bopp was the manager.
This article discusses the axiological review of the values inherited from the indigenous cultures in an Eurocentric country such as Brazil, by intellectuals involved in the Semana de Arte Moderna (1922), and subsequently, in the anthropophagy movement, a list that includes Bopp and his book Cobra Norato, Mário de Andrade and Macunaíma (1928), and several essays by Oswald de Andrade about Poesía Pau-Brasil.
In addition to his linguistic training, Plínio Salgado (1895–1975) was a journalist, theologian, and politician who is mainly remembered for being the founder of the AIB (Ação Integralista Brasileira), a far right party that copied Italo-German fascist styles, especially the Nazi “brown shirt” cadres, and used the symbol “∑” instead of a swastika. He challenged the Estado Novo commanded by Getúlio Vargas and was exiled (to Portugal). He ostensibly supported the military government (1964–85), and wrote his Educação moral e cívica.