Juvenal Ortiz Saralegui (1907–59) was a poet, journalist, anti-fascist political activist and supporter of the Second Spanish Republic, founding member of the AIAPE (Agrupación de Intelectuales, Artistas, Periodistas y Escritores), and contributor to the magazine Alfar (La Coruña, from 1929), among other cultural and political activities in local circles. In this article he calls the situation a genuine scandal. He carefully lists several situations in his report, mentioning the endemic absenteeism among jurors and their indifference toward events that are considered of vital importance to artists in various fields, including literature, music, and the visual arts. These artists had expectations about the new law of financial incentives. The author deplores the jurors’ lack of sensitivity and ignorance about the artists’ works and their individual methods and techniques (which is what the “salary” was intended to assess) and condemns the practice of not awarding certain prizes. In response to the vast echo, Saralegui redoubled his criticism and broadcast it as a group announcement via the AIAPE (Agrupación de Intelectuales, Artistas, Periodistas y Escritores), the association he had belonged to since it was started in 1936. This situation shows that dialogue between the ideological and aesthetic positions of the great majority of artists had collapsed in response to government institutions that excluded them, thus putting any hopes of reconciliation increasingly beyond reach.