In this interview by an anonymous critic, visual artist and essayist Manuel Quintana Castillo (b. 1928) expresses his historical vision of decisive movements and of avant-garde tendencies that emerged in Venezuela in the late forties and the early sixties. Some of the opinions Quintana Castillo expresses in this text are not found in the numerous essays in which he analyzes and criticizes the country’s art. The interview took place in the framework of the release of his book Cuadernos de pintura, published by the Galería de Arte Nacional. It sheds light on Quintana Castillo’s impressions of Venezuelan art of the time, as well as his criticism of that art.
On the group of Venezuelan painters that emerged in Paris in 1950, see Alejandro Otero, “Del arte abstracto” (ICAA digital archive doc. no. 813611), “Las ‘placas al mérito’ y la juventud” (doc. no 813429), and “Mateo Manaure en la pintura: Un joven pintor venezolano, en viaje hacia París”(doc. no. 813639); Carlos González Bogen, “La escuela ‘de los paisajistas’ de Caracas” (doc. no. 813695) and “‘De nuevo’ Los Disidentes” (doc. no. 813667); Mateo Manaure, “Carlos González Bogen: Pintor” (doc. no. 813583); Narciso Debourg, “En torno a la pintura de hoy” (doc. no. 813597); and J. Guillent Pérez, “Lo latinoamericano y lo occidental [Parte I]” (doc. no. 813723) and “Lo latinoamericano y lo occidental: (Continuación)” (doc. no. 813478).
For other texts on the TLA, see Rafael Pineda’s untitled introduction to the group [“Llegó el momento de ordenar el lenguaje universal (. . . )”] (doc. no. 1101650); the article reporting on its disbandment and replacement by the INCIBLA entitled “Han sido destituídos todos los profesores del Taller Libre de Arte” (doc. no. 1172267); Bernardo Chataing, “Texto presentación” (doc. no. 1101666), the prologue to the TLA’s first group show; and Luis Berroterán, “Texto presentación 3 Salón de jóvenes pintores del Taller Libre de Arte” (doc. no. 1063067).