The book Guía de la primera exposición anual organizada bajo la dirección del rector de dicha escuela, General Alberto Urdaneta (1886) was the first to be published about art exhibitions in Colombia. It may be the most important primary source for the history of art collecting, curatorship and museography in Colombia in the late nineteenth century. It reviews and classifies the artworks shown at the first Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes, organized that year by Alberto Urdaneta (1845−87), founder of the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Bogotá (opened to the public in 1886) and the publication called Papel Periódico Ilustrado (1881–88). According to many writers, the 1880s were a key time in the history of Colombian culture and politics. The year 1886 marked the start of a period of conservative domination known as the “Hegemonía Conservadora” [Conservative Hegemony], which would extend to 1930. It was also the year of the founding of Colombia’s first art school (Escuela de Bellas Artes de Bogotá), conceived as a “neutral” space within the ideological struggles of the time. It was in this school where the first Modern art approach in the nation was established [consider the points of view presented in the book written by the group Taller Historia Crítica del Arte, entitled Miguel Díaz Vargas: una modernidad invisible (Bogotá: Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño, 2008)]. Similarly, according to Ruth Acuña Prieto, a sociologist who studied Colombian culture, the Papel Periódico Ilustrado, one of Urdaneta’s other undertakings, would mark the launch of the field of art in Colombia. To follow this idea, we must understand “field” in the terms of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. [See the unpublished master’s thesis of Ruth Acuña Prieto under the title of El ‘Papel Periódico Ilustrado’ y la génesis de la configuración del campo artístico en Colombia (Bogotá: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2002).] Undoubtedly, the catalogue of the Exposición de Bellas Artes of 1886 is a fundamental document. It is essential for a true understanding of this decade of radical changes, complexities and tensions in the national political and cultural spheres in Colombia.