Gilbertto Prado (b. 1954) is a multimedia artist; he is also a curator and energetic promoter of electronic art, a field in which he is both an artist and a theoretician. His art is featured by the Czech theoretician Frank Popper in his book Art of the Electronic Age (Thames and Hudson, 1997). Prado was a member of the Art-Réseaux group (Paris), and since 1981, has been involved in exhibitions and projects in Brazil and elsewhere, including: Doppo il Turismo Vienne il Colonialismo (Centro Lavoro Arte, Milan, 1989); Moone, Atelier des Réseaux - Machines à Communiquer (La Villette, Paris, 1992); Mutations de l’image (Vidéothèque de Paris, 1994); Arte e Tecnologia (MAC/USP, São Paulo, 1995); Mediações (Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, 1997); 2ª Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul (Porto Alegre, 1999); Link_Age/MECAD (Barcelona, 2000); and Interconnect@ between attention and immersion (ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2006).
This article reflects a profound interest in subjects associated with data transmission networks, and in the decentralization and viability of new exchanges. On this same matter, see by Suzete Venturelli a complementary point of view in “Mundos virtuais e vidas artificiais” [doc. no. 1111136]; also see another essay of interest by Prado entitled “Utilizações artísticas de imagens em direto na world wide web” [doc. no. 1111125]. In 2003, Prado published the book Arte telemática.