Gilbertto Prado (b. 1954) is a multimedia artist, and is also a curator and a great promoter of electronic art, as an artist and as a theoretician. His work is highlighted by the Czech theoretician Frank Popper in his book Art of the Electronic Age (Thames and Hudson, 1997). Prado was a member of the Art-Réseaux group (Paris) and, since 1981 has been involved in exhibitions and sundry projects in Brazil and elsewhere, including: Doppo il Turismo Vienne il Colonialismo (Centro Lavoro Arte, Milan, 1989); Moone, Atelier des Réseaux - Machines à Communiquer (La Villette, Paris, 1992); Mutations de l’image (Vidéothèque de Paris, 1994); Arte e Tecnologia (MAC/USP, São Paulo, 1995); Mediações (Itaú Cultural, Sao Paulo, 1997); 2ª Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul (Porto Alegre, 1999); Link_Age/MECAD (Barcelona, 2000), and Interconnect@ between attention and immersion (ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2006).
Luisa Paraguai Donati is a professor in the Comunicação e Cultura postgraduate program at the Universidade de Sorocaba (Uniso). She is a contributor to the Leonardo Digital Review, the magazine published by MIT (Cambridge, MA). She is active in the field of art and technology, and has taken part in countless Brazilian and international exhibitions. She is currently working with mobile technologies that monitor perception and experimentation on the body and space in communication processes.
This document reflects a profound interest in matters related to telematics and their networks, and in the decentralization and viability of new exchanges of artistic data. On this subject, see by Suzete Venturelli a complementary view in “Mundos virtuais e vidas artificiais” [doc. no. 1111136], and a summary of telematics networks written by Prado, entitled “Cronologia de experiências artísticas nas redes de telecomunicações” [doc. no. 1111289]. In 2003, Prado published the book, Arte telemática.