Koranyi’s view of photography’s “cultural mission” should be considered in the context of the period following the Second World War, hence his interest in vehicles that might bring countries and peoples together and promote understanding between them. It is of interest to note the important role of technical images in later years. His international aspirations subsequently found expression in the founding of the Bienal do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo in 1951.
Hans Koranyi (1905–85), an attorney who immigrated to Brazil from Hungary, was the founder and first editor of the magazine Íris and the publishing house of the same name. Under his adopted name of João, he published several books about the art of photography. The first issue of the magazine, in 1947, announced the editorial guidelines, targeting “photo-aficionados” and providing technical and artistic information for those who were interested in the “sport of light,” as he called it. The magazine enjoyed a wide circulation in Brazil right up until its final issue, published in 1999. [See also this other article by the author in the ICAA digital archive: “Fotografia abstrata? (Conclusão)” (doc. no. 1110874)].
[In addition, see the following articles about photography published in Íris: by Harumi Yamagishi “Foto conceitual” (doc. no. 1110872); by Thomas J. Farkas “Fotografia-caminhos diversos” (doc. no. 1110873); by Vilém Flusser “O futuro e a cultura da imagen” (doc. no. 1110898) and “O instrumento do fotógrafo ou o fotógrafo-instrumento?” (doc. no. 1110899); by Eduardo Llorente “Juventude e cinema” (doc. no. 1110875); by Stefania Bril “As relações futuras do homem com a máquina” (doc. no. 1110897); and by Luis Humberto “Uma fotografia criativa e seus impedimentos” (doc. no. 1110876)].