Literatura de cordel [String Literature] was representative of the resurgence and cultivation of traditional forms of art in the 1990s, which were ideally suited to the expression of certain political feelings and critical observations. These rudimentary publications, developed in northeastern Brazil, consisted of poems, stories, and songs printed on a few sheets of paper that were folded in half and hung on cordeles [strings] in markets, to be purchased by the general public. Publications of this kind were available long ago, in the Middle Ages in Europe; in Brazil, that ancient custom was fused with local traditions. The “books” are usually printed, with woodcut blocks, in black and white, and the covers are often made of colored paper. For more information about literatura de cordel see ICAA digital archive doc. no. 1110755.
Professor Gilmar de Carvalho (b. 1949) is a noted expert on literatura de cordel. He has written more than thirty books on the subject, and has been recognized for his prizewinning work. He has been a professor of social communications at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (Fortaleza) since 1984, and has taught a course on social history at the same school since 2000. The books by the scholar describe how literatura de cordel has gradually evolved over the years; its heyday was in the 1940s, and it then significantly benefited from the works of Mestre Noza, Walderedo, Lino and José Caboclo, Stenio Diniz, and Abrahão Batista. La Nova Gravura [New Printmaking] was the name of the group of artists that contributed to a revival of this traditional form of woodcut art in Juazeiro in the late 1980s and early 1990s, inspired by José Lourenço’s album about the life of Padim Ciço. Father Cícero (1844–1934) was a Silesian priest whose ministry in the state of Ceará was famous for its miracles. For political reasons, he has never been canonized by the Catholic Church, but he is nonetheless considered a saint in northern Brazil.
On this subject, the author has also written A nova gravura de Juazeiro do Norte (Fortaleza, 1999) and the essay “Desenho Gráfico Popular. Catálogo de matrices xilográficas de Juazeiro do Norte–Ceará” in the IEB-USP notebooks. See also de Carvalho’s article on this subject: “Engenho e arte: a fala dos gravadores” (doc. no. 1110758">1110758); and on traditional graphic design (doc. no. 1110758">1110758).