Oscar Niemeyer delivered this lecture at the Faculdade Nacional de Arquitetura (Rio de Janeiro) on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of that institution’s founding. His reflections are a response to an array of criticisms of the “formalism” that prevailed in modern Brazilian architecture, criticisms aimed, albeit indirectly, at a certain vision of design and production. Underlying the debate is the fact that Niemeyer was a member of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) and, as such, he struggled with the contradictions innate to designing projects for elites and for the bourgeois, as opposed to a proletarian State.
[For further reading, see in the ICAA digital archive also by Niemeyer “Depoimento” (doc. no. 1110334), “Forma e função na arquitetura” (doc. no. 1110349), and “Arquitetura = Architecture” (doc. no. 1110340); and by Mário Pedrosa “Niemeyer e crítica de arte” (doc. no. 1086699), “L’architecture moderne au Brésil” (doc. no. 1086489), “A cidade nova, síntese das artes” (doc. no. 1086503), “Espaço e arquitetura” (doc. no. 1087020), “Introdução à arquitetura brasileira – I; Introdução à arquitetura brasileira – II” (doc. no. 1086620), “Introdução ao tema inaugural: A cidade no’CORE’ da Cidade Universitária” (doc. no. 1110830), and “Reflexões em torno da nova capital” (doc. no. 1086728)].