In 1951, Max Bill was awarded the Grand Prize at the Primeira Bienal do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo for his work Dreiteilige Einheit [Tripartite Unity, 1948–51], which is bound to his notion of Die gute form [good form] based on three elements: Schönheit, Form, und Funktion [beauty, form, and function]. Two years later, Max Bill visited Brazil at the invitation of the Ministério das Relações Exteriores. This interview by architect and art critic Flávio de Aquino was first published in the popular weekly Manchete, and a few months later, in the journal HABITAT. Both the interview and the press conference that Bill gave at the Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de São Paulo sparked widespread controversy among Brazilian architects because Bill questioned their commitment to the logic of the creation of form and reminded them of the “social function” of architecture.
On the debate sparked by Bill’s visit, see Eduardo Corona, “O testamento tripartido de Max Bill” (ICAA digital doc. no. 1110330); Lucio Costa, “Max Bill e a arquitetura brasileira vistos por Lucio Costa: oportunidade perdida” (doc. no 1110331); and “O arquiteto, a arquitetura, a sociedade” by Bill himself (doc. no. 1110329).