Ever since it was founded, the CAYC (Centro de Arte y Comunicación), helmed by the cultural promoter, artist, and businessman Jorge Glusberg, was intended as an interdisciplinary space where an experimental art movement could flourish. The establishment of collaborative networks connecting local and international artists and critics played an important role in this process.
In 1972 the CAYC started the international promotion of systems art as a trend that identified the center when it was more focused on technology than on politics.
This newsletter announces that the dancer Nélida Puig will perform during the opening of the Grupo de los Trece’s exhibition, organized at the CAYC to celebrate the group’s first anniversary (GT- 195; doc. no. 1476367).
The choreography of Nélida Puig’s performance at the opening was based on music composed by Johnny Pearson and Marius Constant, presented in two movements: in the first, the individual was shown as being alienated from daily life; in the second, the dancer was moved by news received from the communication media and became socially aware. The goal of the dance was to awaken the audience’s social conscience, seeking to transform society through artistic participation. The center used this event to promote an interdisciplinary approach, sharing the possibilities that recent social theories might offer for artistic activity, particularly those that would support the CAYC’s program of activities and the creation of an institutional poetics of its own that would establish its identity.