The Instituto de Arte Moderno [Institute of Modern Art] was an institution founded in 1949 by Marcelo de Ridder (1923–73) with the objective of preserving and stimulating the development of the artistic culture; even though its programming shows an eclectic profile, it was an important space for the dissemination of Abstract art, mainly because it housed some important exhibitions, such as Arte abstracto, del arte figurativo al arte abstracto [Abstract Art, from figurative art to abstract art] (1949), Exposición Arte Concreto: Pinturas / Esculturas / Dibujos [Concrete Art Exhibition: Paintings/Sculptures/Drawings] (1950), and Joaquín Torres García: pinturas [ Joaquin Torres-Garcia: paintings] (1951).
Tomás Maldonado is an intellectual, painter, and designer born in 1922 in Buenos Aires. In 1945, he became one of the founders of the painters movement known as Asociación de Arte Concreto — Invención[Concrete Art and Invention Association], and in 1954, he settled in Germany, where he became professor of the Hochschule für Gestaltung[School of Advanced Studies in Form] in Ulm, an institution which he later directed.
Alfredo Hlito was born in 1923 and died in 1993. He was co-founder of the Asociación Arte Concreto - Invención. [Concrete Art and Invention Association]. Later on, his work distanced itself from Concrete art strictness by means of several series of freer treatments, one of which he called Iconostasis.
Enio Iommi is an Argentinean artist born in 1926 in Rosario, Province of Santa Fe. He was one of the founding fathers of the Asociación Arte Concreto — Invención, [Concrete Art and Invention Association], and also formed the Grupo de Artistas Modernos de la Argentina [Group of Modern Artists of Argentina]. In 1977, Iommi made an exhibition called Adiós a una época [Farewell to an Epoch] and carrying out a profound change in his poetry.
This document has been selected because it evinces Maldonado’s interest in clarifying his conceptual approaches to Concrete Art while presenting Exposición Arte Concreto: Pinturas / Esculturas / Dibujos [Concrete Art Exhibition: Paintings/ Sculptures/ Drawings] at the IAM [Institute of Modern Art] in 1950.