In this document Rubén Santantonín establishes the difference between objects and things; in other words, the manner in which he names his works. He explains that the former lack all “indicio humano” [“human traces”]; they are incomprehensible to man, “encerrados en sí mismos, en su existencia para sí” [“they are shut away in themselves, in existence for their own sake”]. On other hand, things are understood by the artist as “como superación del objeto en el sentido de que esos mismos objetos, fríos y herméticos, animados por la inevitable pasión humana, se transforman en cosa” [“overtaking the object in the sense that these same objects, cold and inscrutable, inspired by inexorable human passion, are transformed into things”]. After mentioning other differences, Santantonín concludes by explaining that “nombra cosas a estos objetos [a su obra], porque si los nombrara objetos los colocaría en el campo de la objetividad y, en cambio, deseo que no salgan del campo de la cosidad, el único en el que pueden actualmente alcanzar sentido artístico” [“I call these objects [his work] things because if I were to call them objects I would be placing them in the sphere of objectivity and, in turn, I do not want them to fall outside the realm of things, the only manner in which they can currently attain an artistic sensibility”].