Luis Ángel Duque (b. 1954), critic and curator of Venezuelan art, connects the art presented in the sixth Salon Pirelli with events of universal relevance that initiated the “globalized era.” He identifies occurrences such as the moon landing of Apollo IX in 1969, and the picture of the Earth from space taken from Apollo VI in 1966, the transmission of which had a massive impact on humanity, creating a sensation of collective awareness and a panoptic vision of world events. The forty-five young artists who participated in the sixth Salon Pirelli showed, from a very individual perspective, art concerned with the following themes: the planet, the earth as a holistic concept and a living entity that is home to us; language and narrative manifested through diverse artistic practices; the city (Caracas as the receptacle of different topographies, social groups, and architectural typologies); art, the reflection on and revision of art history and artistic objects; the body as object/subject of art.
There is another article by Duque that offers an abbreviated history of Venezuelan art salons: "Notas sobre los salones de Jóvenes artistas" [Notes on the Salons Featuring Young Artists (1981–1995)] in the ICAA digital archive doc. no. 1161427]. With regard to other aspects of the Salon Pirelli, see: three texts by curator María Luz Cárdenas, “De la ilusión óptica a la desilusión cultural: “Arte desde el exilio: Enfoque metodológico y pautas generales de aproximación al II Salón Pirelli de jóvenes artistas y lenguajes” [From Optical Illusion to Cultural Dillusionment: Art in Exile: A Methodological Focus and General Guidelines for an Approach to the II Salon Pirelli of Young Artists and Artistic Languages] (doc. no. 1161345); “Aproximación al III Salón Pirelli” [An Approach to the III Salon Pirelli] (doc. no. 1162019); and “Apostando a futuro: Notas sobre del V Salón Pirelli” [Betting on the Future: Notes on the V Salon Pirelli] (doc. no. 1162038); as well as the text by Ruth Auerbach, “Salón Pirelli: Primera aproximación al arte joven en la década de los noventa en Venezuela” [Salon Pirelli: First Approach to Young Art in 1990s Venezuela] (doc. no. 1161411)].