The present document is the third part of the exhibition catalogue for Venezuela, nuevas cartografías y cosmogonías (Caracas: Galería de Arte Nacional, 1995). It is important to contemporary art history in the nation as it serves as an exhibition guide, catalogue, and biographical resource. It describes each of the works (mostly installations). At the time, the idea of mapping and [of offering] a cosmogonical vision was an original idea for an exhibition centered on the topic of Venezuela. This may be observed through the texts and images reproduced in the catalogue. A reproduction of the ground floor of the GAN in Caracas is shown at the start of the present chapter; it lists the geographical coordinates, showing the universalist spirit and the intention of the the exhibition to “provide a space for that environmental conscience that is now emerging and that is part of what time demands of us”—as stated in the prologue. The project and biographical note of each artist follows thereafter: Venezuela y sus detalles [Venezuela and Its Details] by Claudio Perna; Requiem by Oscar Molinari and Alejandro Blanco Uribe; Minamata by José Antonio Hernández Diez; Ojos mágicos [Magic Eyes] by José Gabriel Fernández; Roll Variation by J. Pizzani; Duchamp-Magritte ¡No, William no! Duque de arte y ciencia Tres artistas del siglo XXI [Duchamp-Magritte, No, William, No! Duke of Art and Science, Three Artists of the Twenty-First Century] by Alí González; Turbulencias [Turbulences] by Oscar Machado; El planeta se mira sí mismo [The Planet Looks at Itself] by Pancho Quilici; Cyberspace 912040 by Miguel A. Noya; and Meridianos y paralelos [Meridians and Parallels] by Milton Becerra. In addition to the present text, the catalogue contains Duque’s curatorial essay, “Nueva cartografía para el siglo XXI,” [A New Cartography for the Twenty-First Century], as well as a text of scientific-technological bent titled “La teledetección espacial, una valiosa herramienta de la geografía” [Spatial Detection, A Valuable Tool for Geography] by Silvia Pardi La Cruz, and finally, a glossary of terms.
See the ICAA digital archive to access the essay written by Duque included in this same catalogue, “Nueva cartografía para el siglo XXI” [A New Cartography for the Twenty-First Century] (doc. no. 1160695)].