The German curator, writer, and art historian, Dr. Dietrich Mahlow was responsible for the participation of the Venezuelan visual artist originally from Germany, Gego [Gertrud Goldschmidt, 1912–1994] in the 1982 exhibition, Spielraum-Raumspiele [Play Room/Play Space] at Kunstausstellung zu den 2. Frankfurt Festen in der Alten Oper vom [the Old Opera House]. For this exhibition, Gego renders an environment with a Reticulárea designed in and for the site, called the Reticulárea Alte Oper, shown in the Liszt Room in the theater. After it was disassembled, the work disappeared. Thirty-eight modern artists participated in the exhibition, Spielraum-Raumspiele. Working with Gego on joint events was the American composer, poet, and essayist, John Cage (1912–1992). Other [foreign] artists who participated in this great exhibition were the Italian Conceptual artist, Piero Manzoni; Claes Oldenburg, who was one of the most distinguished figures in Pop Art; the photographer and installation artist, Kazuo Katase; and the Swiss painter, Alfonso Hüppi. [German] artist participants included Adolf Luther, a Kinetic sculptor and artist; Christiane Möbus, an Objective sculptor and artist as well as a professor; and Oscar Schlemmer, who was a painter, sculptor, designer, and choreographer associated with the Bauhaus School. In this text, Mahlow, who was already a connoisseur of Gego’s work, describes the effect of the spaces created by Gego, starting with the mechanisms of perception attributable to the contemporary sensibility.This essay was included in the documents selected for the bilingual book, Desenredando la red. La Reticulárea de Gego. Una antología de respuestas críticas / Untangling the Web: Gego’s Reticulárea, An Anthology of Critical Response, organized by María Elena Huizi and Ester Crespin.