Maria Olímpia Vassão interviews the artist Alex Vallauri and, in her introductory remarks, comments on the graffiti that have flooded the city of São Paulo since the late 1970s. Vassão notes the anonymous nature of these works, the interference of images and text in the urban environment, the information they provide, and their ephemeral quality. She interprets Vallauri’s graffiti as an exploration of the visual art system, as well as an ironic form of intervention that makes observations about the city. She also mentions the identifiable nature of the artist’s images (created by their unity and repetition), and discusses some of his themes: allegorical references, logos, sentimental iconography, cartoons, and quotes from other sources. During the interview, Vallauri explains that he began his career as a printmaker, but began to produce “anonymous graffiti” out of a need to interact with the urban public. He is interested in using recognizable images, in the way passers-by doodle on graffiti and, basically, in how to recycle his work using other supports. He believes that the “figure” is a highly versatile form whose creative application is more important than the words used in graffiti.