In 1930 French architect and sculptor André Bloc founded Architecture d’aujourd’hui magazine, which (in 1947) published a special edition on modern architecture in Brazil, which was central to the dissemination of this topic in Europe. In 1951, together with kinetic artists Nicolas Schöffer and Victor Vasarely, he founded the Espace group, which also included the participation of Brazilian painter Cícero Dias. The group sought to apply the principles of Constructivism and Neoplasticism in the arts as well as in urban planning.
The Congresso Internacional Extraordinário de Críticos de Arte was held in Brasilia, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro from September 17–25, 1959 under the theme “A cidade nova, síntese das artes,” which had been previously proposed by Mário Pedrosa. The presentations offered by critics and architects from various parts of the world touched off debates and controversies regarding art and architecture in Brazil. The 7th session of the conference (entitled “Educação artística”) included presentations by art critics Herbert Read and A. Sartoris, architect and urban planner Lúcio Costa, as well as Brazilian artists Theon Spanudis and Fayga Ostrower.
[For more on this topic, see the following texts in the ICAA digital archive: “A cidade nova, síntese das artes” (doc. no. 1086503) and “Lições do congresso internacional dos críticos” (doc. no. 1086667), both by Mário Pedrosa].