Ever since it was founded, the CAYC (Centro de Arte y Comunicación), helmed by the cultural promoter, artist, and businessman Jorge Glusberg, was intended as an interdisciplinary space where an experimental art movement could flourish. The establishment of collaborative networks connecting local and international artists and critics played an important role in this process. The exhibitions shone a light on these exchanges, in which overviews of trends or individual artists provided an introduction to the innovations of international contemporary art and made Argentine and Latin American artists better known on the global stage. In addition to the exhibitions, a program of different activities expanded on the subject matter of the artworks displayed.
This newsletter invites readers to a presentation of El cazador metafísico, a book of poems by Luis Pazos (1940–2023), at the CAYC in May 1972. The book was awarded the First Prize for Poetry by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes. A few months after the Grupo de los Trece was founded, the CAYC organized this event to present the work of one of its members. In his review, the critic Jorge Money notes the book’s experimental features, including its references to its metaphysical theme. The poem “Huracán,” which is included in the newsletter, demonstrates the poetics of the Argentine artist and the group, which was focused at that time on producing a kind of art that would “change your life.” By chance, the presentation at the center coincided with the Grupo de los Trece’s official debut at the III Bienal de Arte Coltejer in Medellín, Colombia, where it showed the exhibitions Arte de Sistemas (GT- 116; doc. no. 1476404) and Hacia un perfil del arte latinoamericano (GT-119; doc. no. 1476406, GT-128; doc. no. 1476410).